A little about me

My name is Pierre “Rocky” Schexneider. I grew up in The City of Sulphur which is in South Louisiana. My first job at the age of thirteen was as a door-to-door salesman for a fruit and vegetable stand.

At age fifteen I started working at a paint and body shop after school and on weekends, by the time I turned eighteen I was managing the shop and eventually owned it.

I married young and had three children with my first wife. After a few years, we grew apart, we had different interests and ambitions, so we divorced, but are still friends to this day.

I eventually moved on from the body shop and tried law enforcement, managed a trucking terminal, remarried then started working as an aircraft painter at a Boeing facility during that time I attended classes at a technical school and trained in the electronics field, this offered me an opportunity to transfer to the electronics department at Boeing where I worked in the fuel management department installing the fuel management computer systems and calibrating the fuel probes in the wing tanks.

After working seven days a week for two years my second wife left me, fast forward a few months after that I fell fifteen feet off of a stand while calibrating the fuel probes, which resulted in a back injury so being unable to perform my duties I had to retrain.

They say that in every dark cloud, there is a silver lining, well mine came when I enrolled in computer classes at the same school that I had trained in electronics at. During registration one of my friends who was attending school there introduced me to one of the teachers, which eventually became my wife.

I graduated with a degree in Computer Technology and went on to work for Computer Systems Development Corporation; an IBM Business partner as an installation and service technician and I was able to further my education through IBM.

After seven years with CSDC, I started teaching night classes at the Community College and this led to a full-time position, I continued my education and received several computer certifications, but also received a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology and a Master’s in Education Technology.  

This is all leading up to my retiring from Sowela Technical Community College after twenty-one years as a Computer Technology Instructor.

I have been doing a little traveling after retirement but decided to get back into the internet marketing arena to supplement my income. I plan to share my journey as I navigate the process of earning income online.

By the way, I’m still married to the teacher I met when I started my journey in the computer field, we have five children between us and eight grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my story.